Monday, August 26, 2013

Rapid Changes

Things are starting to change more quickly now, almost on a daily basis. Mom's sense of taste has become so sensitive that she really can only eat very plain, soft things; bananas, but not peaches, scrambled eggs, but not almond butter on toast, oatmeal but not grits. Her meal today consisted of about three or four bites of eggs and a couple of bites of banana. So far she has not wanted any dinner at all.

She is having a great deal more anxiety and tonight she seemed to have some waves of pain that she couldn’t locate for me. It reminded me of what was happening when the nurse told me that her organs were starting the slow shut down process. This may be another phase in that process. If the pain and anxiety continues through the night or starts up again tomorrow, I will call the nurse for her input. She is coming twice a week now and suddenly I am very grateful for that.

Mom has actually called out my name several times in the past few days. She remembers it when she wakens and calls out to be sure that I am there with her. She is more nervous, or anxious, about being alone these days. She is, also, having a lot harder time getting her thoughts across. I cannot imagine how frustrating it must be for her to have the thought inside her, but be unable to get it out so that someone can understand and handle the issue for her. I think I’m almost as frustrated by that as she is, because I want to help her, to ease her anxiety. We are keeping her on Lorazepam for the anxiety, but just on an as needed dosage, and on the Tylenol and hydrocodone for the pain. We are trying to balance keeping her comfortable with not causing her to sleep all day. However, she is sleeping so much each day as it is, that the pain and anxiety are really the bigger issues right now. She has settled into a soft sleep right now and she looks quite comfortable and peaceful.

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