Thursday, May 30, 2013


Mom's regular Hospice nurse finally got back to us today. She had been off with illness and heavy training schedule for almost a month. I had a chance to chat with her about what the other nurse had said and her response was very emphatic. She said she had no idea what would have prompted the other nurse to conclude that the time line was that short. Our Nurse said that we would see many more changes in Mom's condition and behavior before she was ready to leave us.

She said that she would expect to see her feet go blue, like her hands do now, from lack of circulation. She said that Mom would eat even less and drink less than she is at this time. She even indicated that Mom's continued sense of humor and ability to laugh and smile indicate that we probably have a few more months rather than a few more weeks. She did admonish me to remember that anything can happen, but barring an unforeseen change, she thinks we have more time with Mom than we had been led to believe previously.

How's THAT for some good news for a change?!!

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