Friday, November 9, 2012


When I first agreed to come and stay to help mom and dad, my father had insisted that we hire caregivers to cover the daytime hours so that I could get away now and then. I had told him that I didn’t need that help and suggested that he save the money, but he ignored my suggestion. These days, I really appreciate the wisdom and foresight of my father.

Caregivers are more than just a babysitter for seniors. We have been blessed to have worked with some of the best and most loving women I have ever known. They have their own lives and some days scheduling can get crazy, but they are there when I need them and they always bring their A game.

We have one who works Monday through Friday and one who works weekends. They cook mom’s breakfast and serve her lunch, or early supper as lunchtime sometimes works out to be late in the day. They do light house cleaning, they make sure that mom’s clothes and undergarments are always fresh during the day. They give her the medicines she requires and track her blood sugar. One of them helps me give her showers and both keep her clean in between those showers. They do all sorts of things for mom, but the main thing that they do for mom is to sit with her during the day. They keep her entertained when she’s awake and safe and warm when she’s asleep. And for me, they give me time to not be “in charge”. Sometimes I get out of the house and run errands, but other times I just hide in my office and work on my writing. I get to take walks with our dog or I slip away with my camera and connect with the peaceful joy that taking my silly little pictures brings me.

Each of the care givers who have worked with us has had their own array of training and experiences and they have proven to be a valuable resource in handling the new twists and turns of Alzheimer’s. They warn me when they see new behaviors developing. They alert me as they notice patterns that could cause mom physical harm. They are full of ideas and wisdom and they are more than willing to offer both as the need arises.

All of that said, I also have to add that they have proven to be generous and loving in their daily support of me, even when I’m tired and cranky. My life would be so very difficult and frustrating without them and I am so very grateful to them for all they do for my mother and for me.

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