Friday, November 23, 2012

Worrisome Declines

I’m becoming a little bit worried that mom is spending so much time sleeping, and sleeping heavily. For the past two days she has slept so heavily that she has failed to notice that she needed to go to the bathroom. Her Depends kept her dry and safe, but we may be slipping into a new pattern. OR… we may just be dealing with the exhaustion that comes from over stimulation. With all the family visiting and laughter that goes along with the Thanksgiving holiday, she may just be exhausted. It is not unusual for her to sleep for a day or two after such exciting events.  I will say that she has, on more than one occasion been so fast asleep that she had to practically run to the bathroom, but she has not often slept so hard that she didn’t even know she needed to go.

Also, she is having a harder time doing some of the little things that she normally used to do, such as getting up from her chair, pulling up her pants after she goes to the restroom and even remembering where her bathroom is from her bed. This seems to be more a growing trend than a “now and again” thing, so it is worrisome. She is still very capable of brushing her teeth, though, so it may be more an issue of balance problems when standing that throws her off focus with some of these things. Sometimes it’s hard to know if we are in a changing pattern or if we are just seeing a slump while she gathers her strength.

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