Monday, December 24, 2012

Long Dry Spells

My caregiver help on the weekend has a bad cold so, in compliance with the first rule of the house, she stayed home this weekend. Remember the first rule is bring no sickness into the house. That means, of course, no help through the weekend and no escaping the house, either. Then, I gave Christmas eve, today, to my weekday caregiver as a day off. Tomorrow we'll have no help for Christmas Day, so that would normally translate into a Long Dry Spell for me.


God's greatest blessings to us are the people He brings into our world. While we often overlook those blessings, I acknowledge that I am richly blessed in friends and family and they have stepped in to fill the gap. I had a dear friend come on Saturday and stay with mom for half a day while I ran some personal errands. What a gift for Christmas, Good Friends.

My sister and her family usually come down to visit with us and have Christmas dinner on Christmas day with us. This year, I told her to take the day and be with her husband's family and just relax. Mom doesn't know or care what day it is when they come to visit and those who are still aware of time should be able to celebrate it with them. So that is our plan, but to offset that my niece came down and spent most of a week with us and loved on her Grandmother. A sister from California came up the past weekend with one of my handsome nephews and spent a long weekend with us, laughing and eating and sitting beside Mom just chatting about nothing and making her smile. My sister in law, also up from CA, brought two more of the most handsome nephews in the world to visit with us for a few hours this week while they were in town on other business. They too sat sweetly beside their grandmother and repeated their names and stories for her with loving patience until she was too exhausted to stay awake. So she snoozed and dreamed happily of grandkids and happy visits. Great Christmas gifts, every one of them. And Great Blessings to Mom and me.

Today, for Christmas Eve, friends of ours are coming to spend the afternoon and stay overnight to keep us company. They will share Christmas Day with us for at least part of the day before heading back over the river and through the woods to go home for work on Wednesday. So, between my friend on Saturday and these friends for Christmas that sort of makes our long dry spell so busy that I fear it will leave us longing for peace and quiet… and grateful for the Blessings of family and friends.

Mom is still sleeping most of the day and all night. We are having to cajole and wheedle and demand that she eat most days, but then other days she eats every bite placed in front of her… over a period of an hour or so. She isn’t drinking much so our incontinence problem is more one of constipation these days. It really is a juggling act trying to keep fluids balanced and comfort in all things. Any advice or guidance in the comments would be much appreciated! 

She is either so exhausted or is weak from so much sleep and not moving around much, but it is getting harder and harder for her to walk very far or to think through how to do simple things like turn around and sit down on the walker so she can be pushed the last few steps. She often gets half turned and can’t move any further. She will start to sit down and I have to try and get the walker, which is usually locked for safety when she’s trying to sit in it, to suddenly shift from one position to another to intercept her bottom as she sits down where she happens to have stopped turning. So far we have averted disaster, but I live in fear of her missing the seat and landing in a pile on the floor or falling across the walker and hurting herself.  We are always adapting.

She is also having a harder time remembering how to get onto the bed. More often now I have to adjust her as best I can and not worry if she’s a bit too far up or too far down on the bed. As long as neither feet nor head are hanging off the bed we are calling it a win these days!  Her blood sugar has been pretty well balanced lately, with only a day here or there that is out of acceptable range. 

All in all, she has truly enjoyed all the company she has been having and all our neighbors have brought over tempting goodies for our Christmas snaking pleasure. I try to give her something sweet each night, A little celebration of the season and something to pump that overnight blood sugar.

Merry Christmas to you all and I hope that all your Long Dry Spells are filled with the Blessings of family and friends!

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