Tuesday, April 2, 2013

To The Rescue

I’m often asked if my siblings pitch in on the caretaking process. I usually respond with a laugh, because they don’t pitch in, they are ALL IN all of the time. There is no way that I could do this job alone and last week just brought that point firmly home. My regular caregiver ended up with strep throat running through her house and, following rule number 1, she did not bring the sickness into the house and risk exposing Mom. That proper action, however left me facing days of no help with an increasingly weakened and fragile patient.

Over the hill, I could hear the bugle calling charge!!! My sister and niece, who had planned to visit that week already, were landing at the airport with fortuitous timing! When the Cavalry arrived at the house, they not only pitched in, they took over in many circumstances so that I could supervise and let them care for mom. My sister even stayed with Mom one afternoon and entertained her while my niece took me off to one of my favorite places to walk and take photos. They both walked, or ran, the dog each day that they were here so that she had a lot of great exercise and fun, too. I know that it was by happenstance that they arrived at just the right time, but I have found that happenstance tends to be what you make of it… and they made it wonderful.

My family is nothing but supportive and they are often the driving force in getting things accomplished when I am forgetful or overwhelmed. They are the strength and the love that carry Mom and me through each day. They are the phone calls that cheer, the direction when we feel lost, the get it done when we are spinning in circles. They are critical to everything we do. So I guess the answer to the question is… Yes! We couldn’t do this without each and every one of them and we are blessed to have them at our side through this process.

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