Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Better and Worse

Mom had a better day today in some ways; she ate a big breakfast and was more wakeful. However she didn’t eat much after breakfast and she actually slid out of bed and onto the floor this morning before I could get to her. So, from here on out, I will be sitting in her room each morning, not in the room next door with a monitor. I also went out and bought a railing system for her bed. With a very handy friend coming in from out of town this weekend, I’ll get it installed properly and we’ll try to make her more secure. We want to avoid moving her out of her bed and into a hospital type bed for as long as possible. She does better with the familiar, but her safety has to be our number one priority at this point.

Fortunately, with her bed being as low as it is, and her carpet being as soft as it is, she was not hurt when she fell. She actually enjoyed the attention from the nice neighbor who came over to help me get her back into her wheel chair. She then sat there and patted his hand and told him what a nice young man he is. She’s right, of course. The Hospice nurse was on our doorstep within 30 minutes, or less, to check her out. No bumps, no bruises and no harm done… other than to my emotional balance.

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