Monday, January 14, 2013

Changes and the Same

Mom is back to sleeping more and eating and drinking less, but she is still cheerful and engaged when she’s awake. A friend came in town and to help with repairs and maintenance around the house. He was able to lower her bed all the way down so that mom can almost fall into it. Now it is easier for her to get into bed, although she has a longer way to get up. There always something, isn’t there?

Her right shoulder and hand are really giving her problems. She winces when she is helped up from that side and will sometimes sit holding that shoulder awhile even when she isn’t being moved. There is a bit of swelling in her right hand now and then, but not a great deal. We are watching it to see if there is something more developing with that arm.

Our dog has taken to sleeping in the room with mom every evening for the first couple of hours after she goes to bed. It’s as if she wants to be sure that mom is in and settled before she gets up and comes out to snuggle with me at the TV or computer. I find it so endearing that the dog watches over Mom that way, but not surprising. She seems to be very intuitive and has s a loving heart. Of course, the fact that mom delights in watching her play and be silly kind of makes it a two way bond. I’m okay with all of that. I will gladly share the load of entertaining and watching over Mom with such a loving partner in care!  

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