Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Parameters for Entering Hospice

I will post more on our first week in Hospice in the next day or two, but know that all is well with Mom and that we are very grateful to have this service available to us.

That said, let me first, as promised, outline for you the Criteria for eligibility for admission into the Hospice program.

1: Unable to perform own daily care and hygiene procedures (ADL’s, they call them)

2: Incontinent of bowels or bladder

3: Unable to speak or communicate meaningfully

4: Unable to ambulate without assistance/bed bound.

5: Inability or unwillingness to take food or fluids sufficient to sustain life.

6: Marked weight loss/emaciation

7: Presence of medical complications

8: Patient or family desires no further aggressive treatment or cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

In all reality, Mom doesn’t fully meet all of these criteria, but meets each of them to a level that is adequate for her inclusion in the program.  In reviewing Mom’s situation with the hospice care nurse I have come to a better understanding of what to expect, or for what I should be watching, in the next few weeks and months. Hospice provided us with a small 14 page booklet, which I will scan and post on here for you… if I can do so in a legible manner. It deals with the “usual patterns” that develop through this process and it might be helpful for any of you who plan to visit to just review it and get a sense of what to expect when you come.

Mom is doing really well through this process. She is relaxed and gracious as the hostess with each new visitor that appears at her side to chat, or run tests or scrub her clean. Although, she has jokingly threatened the bath nurse and the hospice care nurse with a fist! They both laughed and gratefully accepted the kiss on the hand that followed. Mom always was a master of the carrot and the stick… and a master of bringing laughter and a sense of comfortable welcome to guests in her home. She still is!

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