Thursday, January 24, 2013


We had a wonderful visit last weekend from a family friend who actually works with the Alzheimer’s Program at the VA Hospital. She gave us some wonderful insights into what we have been seeing with mom and she emphasized that we were stressing over much about mom’s minimal eating. She indicated that the eating will come and go and that mom’s body knows what she needs. Interestingly enough, she was right… Mom is eating again! And her fluid intake has picked up, as well.  We seem to have gotten things moving again throughout her system, so we are breathing a bit more easily right now. She still has sleepy days and wakeful days, but they are all cheerful… that’s mom’s loving gift to those who care for her.

I will also tell you that mom has been having some interesting dreams of late. She has wakened and asked if we saw my dad just now or if her mother was still here. When she wakes up she is very convinced that they were really here, so the dreams must be quite vivid. As she has had these dreams more than once, I feel confident that her loved ones  are dropping by and visiting her in her dreams… and she seems to be enjoying those visits. She is not having the “visits” while she is awake, this is not a dementia event, this only happens when she is asleep, they are simply dreams. But I’m not unwilling to believe that those she loves are coming to visit her in her dreams as she gets closer to joining them. I think that’s very sweet of them and both were much loved by Mom and by me, so they are welcome any time. I only wish that I could get in on the visits.

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