Monday, January 28, 2013

The Garden of Eden

I got an email from a friend the other day after she had read my latest post. Her mother is in her 90’s and is in a more advanced stage of Alzheimer’s than mom currently is. She recounted for me this story and, upon reading it, I asked her if I could share it with you, and she agreed.

Thank you, Linda!

“On my last visit home, my mom told me and my brother, Tom, a wonderful dream upon waking.  Her eyes got really big, and told us of a beautiful garden with gorgeous flowers, and the light was so bright.  She was sad that she had to leave, and asked us why she had to come back like this.  She told us it was the Garden of Eden, and she wanted so badly to go back.  She kept asking why she had to come back because it was so beautiful and this place was not. 

We truly believe that God gave her a peek at what was to come, and nobody can tell us any different.  Mind you, this came out of a woman who has been in a coma like state, and barely able to speak at all.  Her account was very expressive, clearly stated, and detailed.  Tom and I rejoiced at being able to be by her side as she awoke and shared her dream with us.  Afterwards, she went back into a deep sleep and never spoke again for the remainder of our time with her.  God blessed us at that moment of time that we had with her.”

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